the uncensored library

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) wanted to find a way to bypass censorship and reach young people in oppressive countries. They are especially vulnerable to disinformation campaigns by authoritarian governments and have no access to independent journalism. So, we brought press freedom back to them – with Minecraft. Because even in countries where almost all media is blocked, Minecraft is still accessible. We used this loophole to turn a computer game into a tool to overcome censorship and give young people back their human right to access information.

GRAPHIC DESIGN / vexillology

ddb berlin / reporters without borders,

< case film

making of >

walkthrough >

cannes lions
gold (3), silver (4), bronze (2), titanium shortlist

d&ad /
yellow pencil (2), graphite pencil, wood pencil (5)

the one show /
sustainable development pencil, gold pencil (3), silver pencil (4), bronze pencil (2)

adc 100th annual awards /
black cube, designism cube, grand prix, gold (4), bronze

adc germany /
grand prix, gold (5), silver (6), bronze (4)

new york festivals /
silver (3), bronze 

the index project /

webby /

fast company world changing ideas award /

fwa awards /
fwa of the month 

gerety awards /

eventex /
grand prix, gold (3) 

campaign experience awards /
gold (3)

ana reggie awards /
grand prix, gold

clios /
grand prix, silver (3), bronze

nrw media prize /
1st (development policy commitment)

beazley design of the year /


the bookcase for tolerance